Saturday 12 May 2012

Okay so here in Wales it's 10pm and I am zonked (feel free to pass on that word, it will trend i promise) and today was a satisfying day. first GCSE exam is on monday and I'm not hitting the 'panic wall' yet, I'm confident and trying not to stress! Anyway, I decided to go to the library to revise/study and it was SO peaceful. I loved it! I sat there for ages writing away and actually got a load of work done.
This may have been more exciting to me than it sounds to you, but I had recently watched Matilda (such a good film) and was inspired!
This is my thought for today, no one seems to go to the library anymore for anything but computers...and I think that's sad! I always loved the library, when I was little my dad used to take me and we'd spend hours in armchairs or on beanbags just reading.
I was taken away on The Magic Wishing Chair and climbed up The Far Away Tree with that weird guy who had a slide in his house......
Nobody probably read those so I'll move on.....The Famous Five and their picnics! Ah how I loved their picnics!
If I didn't have my (stupid) exams I would have easily taken out about 20-30 books today, I looked around and there were kids about 6 or 7 years old, playing Mario Kart in the childrens area. WHY!?
One kid was sat there with a Horrible Histories book right next to him, watching TV! I was lost for words, if my childhood had consisted of television and video games every day, I would be brain dead by now!
Pffss, it annoyed me to say the least.
Anyway, it's quarter past 10 here in Wales and I'm now in a comatosed state...goodnight and god bless x

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